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Manufacturing Service-Sector Activity

The Institute for Supply Management issued [its latest survey results] on March 4th that U.S. non-manufacturing expanded at a rate slightly better than expected in February. The ISM stated that “overall, supply managers feel mostly positive about the direction of the economy.” Despite this positive outlook, ISM non-manufacturing members said labor problems at West Coast ports were causing a disruption in supply, stating “Business is good, but waiting and not shipping on time will cost us big time.” Some economists attributed this weakness to a possible There’s also the weather effect. 181,000 new jobs were created in February according to the ADP jobs report. It is interesting that service-sector activity increased in February despite these supply disruptions.


One Comment

  1. What is the ISM survey, how is it conducted, and what detail does it provide? Are there other sources of (monthly) information on manufacturing?

    ADP = ?

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