Graphene is just one example of a future technology that will propel economic growth for years to come. Quantam computing is another example that I will discuss in a post later this week. The nobel prize committee is quoted in reference to the graphene that “carbon, the basis for all known life on Earth has surprised us once again.(Wired)” Graphene is a one atom thick layer of graphite, the commonly found material that is often confused as lead in pencils. In a one atom thick layer graphite is found “possess a revolutionary array of properties: electrical conductivity 100 times faster than silicon; strength 200 times greater than steel.(” While scientists are still working on converting the potential of this substance into a reality, there is a huge amount of physical and human capital devoted to the material’s innovation. Graphene is one of many incredible technologies on the horizon that in my opinion will continue to shift the production function upwards and drive worldwide economic growth for the long run.
Technology is an important factor of shifting the production function which will increase the output. However, I am not really sure how it will be used to promote the growth (any examples such as its cheaper than steel or silicon to produce?)
Also, I think adding a picture to the post can help understand what it is.
Few technologies make the leap from basic physics to commercial use. Furthermore, that it is fascinating doesn’t mean that eventual applications will be so great as to have macroeconomic significance: the essence of Robert Gordon’s claim is that the low-hanging fruit has been picked in transportion, communications and energy. Returns (and thus TFP growth) are diminishing.
I like the idea of graphene and am interested to see how further research can aim to make it a viable option to put into practical use. Something 200 times as strong as steel has the potential to create wealth even if it is 200 times more expensive. The key is to finding a use where it truly makes a difference. Hopefully there will be a day where graphene or any other material can be used to carry electrical currents, making machinery or other production based instruments more efficient and possibly curbing its depreciation which can be a potential game changer on balance sheets of companies.
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