I regularly read a variety of blogs that cover macroeconomic issues. This is an item I picked up from the Economist’s View [also in the…
Category: Great Recession
The Great Recession entailed a huge rise in unemployment; that is easy to track, as it is prominently featured in the monthly Bureau of Labor…
…more important is employment to population… The data for October 2012 – the last “big” data release before the election — are now available on…
…age composition matters… How long recovery takes depends on the rate of job creation relative to the growth of the working age population. It turns…
Mike Smitka …Inaction is the Best Medicine?… The question: can we use an analogy from medicine, that we should treat the disease rather than the…
Two charts. One is the number of employed, compared to where employment should be absent the Great Recession. I’ve not tried to correct this for…